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Desde: 10/05/2008


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Ps2 Links no Top 30 Brasil! Ajude-nos Galera! Galera o Ps2 Links está Participando do TOP 30 BRASIL! Dê uma força para o blogger por favor :) é só clicar na Imagem do Top 30 Brasil e colocar as letrinhas que ele irá pedir no fim da Página e confirmar o seu voto!
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DRIV3R is the next evolution of one of the most popular PlayStation One franchises around. Featuring Hollywood-level production values and a continuation of the story of the previous games' hero Tanner, DRIV3R boasts the vocal talents of actors such as Mickey Rourke, Michael Madsen, Michelle Rodriguez, and Ving Rhames, while modeling the three real-life locations of Istanbul, Nice, and Miami. Other features include: more than 150 miles of highway and city street, a vehicular destruction model with multiple break points, and more than 50 controllable automobiles.
Tamanho: 2.67Gb
Sistema: NTSC


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